All Featured Items - Custom Charcoal Drawing from Photo

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Custom Charcoal Drawing from Photo
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    Patty Miller from Umatilla,
    ★★★★★Joy Chen has been a pleasure to work with and created an incredible piece for a gift for a family member. She is amazing.

    David Cohan from Robbinsville,
    ★★★★★Joy Chen was a pleasure to work with and her ART was AWESOME!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

    Peggy Hicks c/o Beveridge from Covington,
    ★★★★★Great Job. Thanks.

    Matthew Paxton from Fairfield,
    ★★★★★Excellent likeness. I'm very pleased with your drawing.

    Julie McMullen from University Park,
    ★★★★My order was complicated and drawn out. However, Lavdeep was extremely patient and was willing to work with me. He did a wonderful job on the charcoal drawing. I think my sister will be quite please for her 60th birthday surprise.

    George A. Deleff from Delta,
    ★★★★★My mother is still crying over this painting. She just absolutely broke down in tears. These two dogs were her children and they had been a married couple Benny and Zoey. Benny died first and then his wife Xoey died of a broken heart. . For my Mom’s birthday I ordered the painting with her two dogs waiting for her in heaven. This artist did such a wonderful job. We are very pleased. Thank you so much.